Wednesday 28 March 2012

Unified Communications – Part 1: Click-to-Call

[caption id="attachment_179" align="alignleft" width="261" caption="Virtuosity 4 Communications"]Virtuosity 4 Communications[/caption]

Unified communication solutions are the merger of new business allies and the facilitator of on-demand rich interactive communications channels by merging audio, web and video conference technology. The in-roads into the future of corporate profiling and SMB based products and consultancy services has a new meaning of integrity by integrating remote communication as well as remote collaborated actions.

The invasion of technology innovations never ceases to amaze and the cohesive action of conference communication using conference tool based protocols for the propulsion of hybrid business solutions that are variably keen and inclined in nature to connect remote locations for interaction. The endeavor to meet these new-age channels of rich personalized communication, the need to roll out click-to-call & one click fast dialing based solutions from the armor of virtual communication solutions.

Intelligent click-to-call technology engages real time visitor to a website to interact with the website back-end team or the moderator for instant one-on-one communication. The website is facilitated with a “callback” button, tab, link or image representing your business brand and symbolizing instant one-to-one communication with the website owner at the expense of the facilitator, the website owner in this case.

[caption id="attachment_180" align="alignright" width="189" caption="Click-to-Call Technology"]Click-to-Call Technology[/caption]

The visitor simply clicks on the “callback” tab and is instantaneously prompted with a new window or a dialog box to enter the desired destination number where the visitor wishes to be connected in real time. The cost for the call is borne by the website owner and thus the visitor has even more reasons to try the interactive channel that is faster than an email or a telephone call back. Typically, websites across the globe are presented with the contact email & phone numbers and the new age click-to-call technology today merges the same situation with an instant one-on-one opportunity for conversation and changing the real time web visits into prospective leads instantly.
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Sunday 4 March 2012

Tryst with Success: Do more with Conference Solutions (Part 2)

Organizations & businesses, managers & managing directors from one & all consistently & convincingly implore the adventure of extracting prejudice truth from actionable actions to relate the standardization of business processes & communication for the tryst with success.

Organizations, SMB’s, educational entities, computer learning institutes all firmly acknowledge the agreeable clauses that formulates ground rules in the roll out of your conference service provider. Whine them and break them down to all money’s worth for they too are in the same status quo in a completely different perspective, aspect and truth.

Confidence in your conference services provider and the belief in the understanding of technology occult conference operators in ready mode for the actions of corporate communication support in real time even before a situation arise that a conference moderator would be naturally aware of and thus deal with it in real time!

Most vendors offer conference services by the merger two or more different brand names each facilitating their own range of conference solutions rooted and branded in to audio conferencing, web conferencing, conference transcription & more. The power is the facilitation of all these essential conference features from a single amalgamated unified platform of unified communication revered otherwise as unified conferencing.

Licensing your web conference provider or conference solution provider with thorough research across the web to extract the latest features and actions in motion and in use!!

The idea of relating to be comfortable with the pricing structure of your niche technology solution amalgamation is to institute the belief of change that you are about to incur with the roll out of conference solutions. That the same does not discharges an expense factor as a constant ramification in moments when you use it as well as in moments when we ponder the monthly expenditures to be incurred because of your sessions.

This is an aspect of coherent comprehension for SMB’s and small firms with an elite limited workforce experts on conferencing based endorsement of services required to produce even better productivity and even better results. Every ROI is eyed with stealthy eyes of returns in the roll out of conference technology to amass new variants of doing business, sowing the seeds in the fields of diverse possibilities like new business, new mergers, new alliances, new agreements, new markets and new profits!
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