Wednesday 7 September 2011

Part 6: Current VOIP Conferencing Usage Trend

Part 6: Current VOIP Conferencing Usage Trend

We investigate further on audio conference usage evaluated by independent marketing research entity Wainhouse Research to report on the relay of the truth of computer based conference sessions by a lot of organizations summed globally who are already using computer based audio conferencing. They still reserves the freedom of expression in the vindictive verdict of using the same old audio conferencing solutions at a higher cost of per minute per meeting attendee model, for one primary sole reason – to be not attached to the device with a headset!

It is a strong statement to make without ascertaining facts and data and therefore the same is the clause of our purpose today as we Blog on the merger of accessing cost factors of IP powered computer based conferences in tandem with the more reliable domain of PSTN conference solutions connected via a network of Dial-in phone numbers.

The value and authenticity of the report is based on the industry based respondents who took part on the collation of the survey objectives paying an ongoing audio conferencing sessions for their brands on per minute cost basis at their current per minute cost. Of all, 1.7% are paying between 10 – 20 cents per minute mostly SMB(s), 20.3% paying 5 – 10 cents per minute and over 42% paying less than 5 cents per minute.

[caption id="attachment_102" align="aligncenter" width="195" caption="Conference Per Minute Cost"]Conference Per Minute Cost[/caption]

A deeper perspective on these respondents’ data revels the fact that over 53.8% of large enterprises who are paying less than 5 cents per minute for their audio conference sessions per channel of per participant, only a third that is 33.3% of small medium business units are able to negotiate their rate solely because they want & care to!

Interestingly when we attach the reasoning in assigning the value of 3 cents to the factor of say less than 5 cents, the midpoint to the remaining two ranges variables is the range of what audio conference service users are paying real time for their conference communications.

Add amusement to realization that one third of these participants paying per minute model do not have a clue on what they are paying, which is between 3 cents to 5 cents.

For that matter, they do not even know the cost the organization they represent pay for the numerous audio conference sessions that they conduct everyday for business and profit. Nor they do care to know what the company is incurring as cost to these sessions snowballs to over half of all the respondent’s amounting to 50.3% as quoted by the author of these original figures of the survey report in contention for discussion here.

To prove point to reality, the same respondents when asked at the end of the survey and reporting of these ingenious motivating figures that correlates reality in a completely different perspective confirms to the consonance of the fact that indeed do not care what they are or the company is paying for the conferences they conduct! Almost the other entire half amounting to 54.9% illustrates the potential gravity of the factor for the need to concur these costs as liabilities pertaining to pay per minute audio conferencing representation.

We will discuss further conclusively on this subject with tomorrow’s post that assesses the audio conferencing pricing based on a PSTN network of per minute cost variables in contrast to IP based computer powered audio conference sessions.

Credit: The credit for all the numbers, data & graphs shown on this post goes solely to the original report that have cited the report based on the survey conducted by Wainhouse Research and the role of ConferBlogs.WordPress.Com is the reporting of the same to users, visitors & customers.
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